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Precise measurement of near infra-red light in the area of 600nm to 1030nm

The SR-NIR Spectroradiometer is equipped with four automatically selectable measurement angle
(2° / 1° / 0.2° / 0.1°) and can measure spectral distribution in the near infrared range from
600nm – 1030nm.

The two interfaces (USB / RS-232) allowing flexible communication with pc and the application software CS-900A (standard accessory) provide easy analysis of the measurement data

Area of application

For measuring near infra-red light from FPD such as LCD and PDP.
For measuring HG line spectra at 1013nm
For measuring Nr, Ar line spectra
For Measuring transmision characteristics of film sheet in near infra-red
Nir infra-red light from other light source
