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As small as 0.04cd/m² difference between two lights can be detected

The Response Dectector RD-80SA is the next chapter of measuring technology and allows high-accuracy measurement of cross talk, luminance and chromaticity. The optical design of the new RD-80SA meet the requirements in R&D for image quality of Sequential 3D Display

※Crosstalk appears in Active shutter 3D display. The crosstalk means that the incomplete isolation of the left and right image3s so that one image leaks into the other. Crosstalk causes blur and double-ghosting images.

Area of application

Detection of crosstalk on Sequential 3D display, and measurement of luminance, chromaticity, and color temperature.
Detection of response time and measurement of luminance and chromaticity of FPD such as TV, PC, and mobile phone.


Product Overview